Do you usually visit a Nail Salon for a Pedicure? Why not see a Podiatrist who has been to University for 4 years to learn about toenails and feet PLUS has a Medical, ACT Health Infection Control Licence? It’s not your fault, you probably did not know we even existed! But, now you know and we are HERE TO HELP! 👣
Maybe you get a Pedicure as you suffer with ingrown toenails? Sometimes people visit nails salons as they like all the dead skin removed from their heels? WE TREAT IT ALL!
Here is a list of what we can do for you in a Medical Pedicure:
For more information on what a PODIATRIST does, please take a peek at our website. If you suffer from Ingrown Toenails, you definitely want to visit our CANBERRA INGROWN TOENAIL CLINIC.
We look forward to helping you get those toenails BACK INTO SHAPE!